Slovakia held strategic importance as a passage between the Alps and Carpathians. The Amber Road was a lucrative trade route for transporting amber between Rome and the Baltic. Since its amicable split with the Czech Republic, it is really coming into its own. Check out architecture in quirky Bratislava, hike the Tatras, and stroll along the mythical Danube River.

Bratislava Castle
Bratislava Castle is on a hill of the Little Carpathians overlooking the Danube River. The rectangular castle has a pointy tower at each corner. The site has witnessed Celtic rulers, Roman legions, Moravian princes, and Hungarian royalty.
Čumil the sewer worker emerges from a manhole. He’s either taking a break from work he seems to enjoy or he is a peeping Tom. There are zany statues like Čumil all over Bratislava.
Slovak National Theater
In 1886, the Viennese architects Fellner & Helmer designed the Neo-Renaissance national theater. It holds performances of opera, ballet, and drama.
Ganymede’s Fountain
In front of the National Theater is the city’s first fountain, which is fed by the Danube. Creatures from the Danube (including frogs, turtles, and fish) surround Ganymede on his flight to Mt. Olympus.
Old Town Hall
Three houses in the Old Town were connected to form the town hall. The tower dates back to 1370. Over the centuries, the buildings have been reconstructed with Gothic, Baroque, and Renaissance design elements.Slovak Philharmonic
The Slovak symphony orchestra has provided concerts at the Philharmonic since the 1950s.
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