Hang Glide in Dockweiler Beach

Hang Glide: wing at rest
Wing at rest

What could be better than sprouting wings and soaring over mountains and seas like a bird? Hang glide in Dockweiler Beach, where you can safely learn to launch, fly, and land above sand.

Hang Glide: wing in motion
Wing in motion

Ground School

During ground school, you learn that hang gliding is counter-intuitive. Remember to fix your eyes on the horizon, land on your feet, and let your hands follow the movements of the glider. After assembling the glider, pull chairs to the hill’s edge overlooking the Pacific and wait for your turn to fly.

The Wright Brothers Began with a Glider on a Hill

You get seven hang gliding flights off the slopes of Dockweiler Beach. You clip the harness to the glider and lightly grasp the triangular controls. Although the wing is about 50 pounds, it bobs around like a helium balloon caught in front of a fan. After stabilizing the glider, the instructor shouts “READY…CLEAR!” so you take a tentative step followed by several more in quick succession and suddenly the glider lifts off. You fly straight down the hill and then land firmly on your feet. Eighty yards and twenty seconds later, your first flight is over.

The instructor runs next to the glider on each flight while you practice various techniques. You work on take offs by taking huge strides as if bounding off the edge of a moon crater. The triangular trapezium controls the pitch of the wing. The glider turns when you pull your elbow toward your body. On your last flight, you get to hang glide solo all the way to the bottom of the hill.


Follow the 110 S until you reach the 105 W. Use the right 3 lanes to take exit 14A to merge onto 105 W toward LAX Airport. Drive 2.4 miles and turn left at Vista Del Mar. Continue 0.6 miles and turn right at Windsports Hang Gliding Center.

Schedule a hang gliding lesson with Windsports: https://www.windsports.com/beach