

Jews, Muslims, and Christians consider Israel to be sacred ground. Both Muslims and Jews believe it to be their homeland. Everyone in this culturally and historically important place has long suffered. I love everyone in this beautiful Mediterranean land and hope one day they can coexist peacefully.

Must Sees: Jerusalem | Must Sees: Tel Aviv | Must Sees: Dead SeaFood


Temple Mount
Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac at Mount Moriah. Solomon built the First Temple on this site. The Holy of Holies is the inner sanctuary of the Temple which once stored the Ark of the Covenant. Rulers also built and destroyed the Second Temple here.
Western Wall
This is a remnant of the perimeter wall of the Second Temple’s base. At the wall, worshippers recite scripture, cry, and pray. They stuff paper in cracks and hope prayers get answered. Segregation at the wall by gender means women must pray in a smaller space.
Holy Sepulchre
The church contains the site where Jesus was crucified at Golgotha and where he was buried. As you enter the church, the first hall contains the stone upon which Christ’s body was laid to rest. The Aedicule contains Christ’s tomb in a small structure under the dome.
Al-Aqsa Mosque
Ummayad caliphs built the mosque on the Temple Mount. According to the “Night Journey,” Muhammad traveled from Mecca to Al-Aqsa on a winged horse-like bird, and onward to heaven. Non-Muslims enter through a ramp to the Moors’ Gate. For security reasons, Jews have entry restrictions.
Dome of the Rock
The Dome of the Rock is part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex. The octagonal shrine has a Byzantine design with blue tiles and gold-plated dome. Jews believe that creation began at the shrine’s Foundation Stone. Muslims believe Muhammad ascended to heaven from this spot.
Mahane Yehuda
Mahane Yehuda is an open-air, partially-covered market selling fruits and vegetables, bourekas, meat, nuts, spices, and clothing. Look for the Rambam’s drink, a mix of dates and almonds and the really sticky chocolate rugelach pastry.
Damascus Gate
The massive Damascus Gate is the main entrance to the Old City. Stairs from many directions converge at this spot on the wall. The walkway here is wide and all downhill. It is located in the Muslim Quarter and pilgrims use it to visit the Western Wall or Al-Aqsa.
@ Ofir Barak
Mea Shearim
At Jerusalem’s oldest Ashkenazi neighborhoods, ultra-Orthodox Jews live in an isolated community and follow their own traditions. Women and girls wear long dark skirts and stockings. Men wear black coats and fur hats, and grow long side curls (pe’ot). They mostly just want to be left alone.
Sultan’s Pool
Sultan’s Pool used to be a reservoir for the people. Now the people come here for the hip restaurants and bars.



Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv is modern and full of energy. It is cosmopolitan and very easy to get around. Its location by the Mediterranean and warm climate make it a very pleasant place to live. Tel Aviv is like a European city with its lively mix of hip bars and restaurants.



Dead Sea
After leaving Jerusalem, you descend past white sandstone. Then there is the sea level sign and some date farms. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth. Mineral Beach has pebbles, chairs, and umbrellas. The water is unbelievably buoyant and you will instantly float. For the ultimate Dead Sea spa experience, apply black mud from one of the barrels.



This is tasty. I like this thing because of something that is delicious. What does it taste like.
The crispy falafel is smashed and a beautiful green center appears beneath the golden crust. Add toppings such as hummus, salad, pickles, fries, and tahini. A round flat bread wraps the falafels. On the counter are fixings such as peppers, harissa, fried eggplant, and cauliflower.
Sabich is a perfect sandwich. The key ingredients are fried eggplants and slices of boiled eggs. The fluffy pita also contains cucumbers, tomatoes, golden amba sauce, and tahini.
Jerusalem Mix
All the unsavory parts of a chicken are chopped up, grilled with onions and spices, and stuffed in a pita. It is a popular snack late at night.
Pomegranate Juice
The juicer places an entire piece of fruit inside the device. Then he squeezes the ruby juice into a cup. The pomegranate juice also has a splash of orange juice. How can you resist this luscious elixir?