
© istock / Getty Images

Luxembourg is wedged between Germany, Belgium, and France. Its populace speaks Lëtzebuergesch, which is a German dialect. The capitol, Luxembourg City, is built on many levels – from fortresses on steep cliffs to gardens in the deep valleys.



© Stephan Lechner / Flickr
Spanish and French occupying forces built the ramparts in the 17th century to the Bock Promontory. From the “most beautiful balcony in Europe,” you can view the Alzette Valley below. At this height, the Grund, or lower city, appears very tranquil.
© Claude Wians / Wikipedia Commons
Pont Adolphe
The Adolphe Bridge is a double-decked arch bridge in Luxembourg City. The upper deck has two lanes for vehicular traffic and two pedestrian paths. The lower deck has a dedicated bike path and an additional pedestrian path.


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